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Chiropractor in Illinois faces sex crime charge

On Behalf of | Jul 1, 2014 | Sex Crimes

A man has had his license suspended by the state following allegations of sexual assault and abuse, according to local news. An Illinois chiropractor now faces sex crime charges in relation to the alleged incident which involved a 22-year-old patient. He was charged on June 19 and his license was suspended prior to the preliminary hearing.

According to the charges, which followed a week-long police investigation into his activities, a local woman reported that the man had made inappropriate sexual contact with her during her appointment at his private office. Allegedly, this inappropriate conduct occurred during her treatment. Upon discovering that a warrant was to be issued for his arrest, the man turned himself in to authorities.

The man’s prior record is clean as no such charges have ever been filed against him in the nine years he has been licensed as a chiropractor in the state of Illinois. He has been released after providing 10 percent of a $100,000 bond. As of this report, he was due back in court on July 11. If he is convicted, he could face jail time as well as the permanent revocation of his license.

The impact on a career and personal life when one faces sex crime charges can be profound and lifelong. However, in this case, Illinois prosecutors will have the burden of proving to a court that the alleged incident took place in the way the female patient described. It could be in the best interests of the accused to have proper guidance when preparing a defense because one is innocent until guilt is proven.

Source:, “Chiropractor facing felony sex charges suspended by state”, , June 24, 2014
