A state prison guard who spends his off hours as a drug and alcohol counselor is facing serious charges, according to local news. The Illinois guard faces a felony charge for alleged forgery after it was suggested that he may have signed off on court-ordered evaluation for a DUI defendant who didn’t complete the process. If he is found guilty, he may well find himself on the other side of the bars for two to five years.
In the state of Illinois, individuals arrested for possible DUI are required to undergo drug and/or alcohol evaluation in order for sentencing to occur and for censures to be applied. This is done to determine the level of risk the individual poses to public safety, as well as the extent of their substance use. The evaluation covers driving history, toxicology and a host of other criteria.
It is up to the treatment provider to determine if an individual has met the minimum criteria for a state-ordered drug or alcohol treatment plan. In this case, investigators have reason to believe that the man in question signed such an order for an individual who did not complete the required treatment, which could influence the individual’s sentencing. The man has been suspended from both jobs during this investigation.
A felony charge of this type could have serious repercussions for the accused man’s career, both as an Illinois state employee and as a counselor. Given that his credibility could be called into question, even by virtue of the accusation, prosecutors will need to provide firm proof of wrongdoing on his part. The defense will likely wish to scrutinize any such evidence before it is submitted to the court.
Source: bnd.com, “Did Swansea prison guard forge DUI document?”, Beth Hundsdorfer, Aug. 23, 2014
Source: bnd.com, “Did Swansea prison guard forge DUI document?”, Beth Hundsdorfer, Aug. 23, 2014