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Drunk driving statistics across the nation

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2015 | Drunk Driving-DUI Charges

People in Illinois may be interested to learn about a recent survey study in which researchers looked at the states where the most people admit to driving drunk. According to their results, people in Hawaii are the most likely to drive while under the influence of alcohol, while those in the Midwest also reported rates higher than other states.

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted the study. Respondents were asked how many times they had driven after they might have had too much to drink in the preceding 30 days. Among people in Hawaii, researchers found there were 995 incidents of drunk driving for every 1,000 people, presumably meaning some people reported multiple drunk driving incidents.

In the Midwest, similarly high rates were found in Nebraska, with 955 per 1,000, North Dakota with 855 and Wisconsin with 828. By extrapolating the data, the CDC estimates that there are an average of 121 million incidents of driving drunk in the U.S. every year. Reportedly, men between the ages of 21 and 34 accounted for 33 percent of all the reported incidents, despite the fact that they make up a mere 11 percent of the population.

Impaired driving is a big problem in the country, and people should avoid driving after they have been drinking or have used drugs. A person who has been charged with a DUI may want to seek the help of a criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible. Legal counsel may be able to successfully challenge the admissibility of roadside sobriety tests on the basis that they were conducted improperly.
