A police lieutenant of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is facing criminal charges after being accused of drug possession. The 48-year-old man was arrested after an emergency call came in to authorities. When they arrived, officers arrested the man on a drug charge.
A 911 call came in stating that the man’s wife was unresponsive. When officer arrived, they say they discovered that the man had been involved in a domestic dispute with his wife and shoved her. The man was arrested for the alleged violence against his wife. When he asked detectives to get his jacket, they say they found enough evidence to level additional drug charges against him.
Officers purportedly found a pipe and marijuana inside of the man’s jacket. He has since been charged with unlawful possession of cannabis, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and domestic battery. The man was released from jail after posting bond. Reports show the man has also been placed on leave from his job.
A drug charge is a concern no matter one’s standing in the community. However, this Illinois police lieutenant may very well suffer repercussions from his employer, particularly if he is convicted on any of the charges pending against him. He would do well to vigorously fight the charges against him. Doing so could help him get his life back on track and perhaps allow him to stay in good standing with his employer. He could have an uphill legal battle ahead of him, so it is important he understand the repercussions of a conviction on any of the accusations he is currently facing.
Source: The Edwardsville Intelligencer, “SIUE police officer arrested in incident,” Nov. 14, 2012