Working To Clear Charges From Your Criminal Record
In the current economy, even the smallest blemish on your record can make the difference between getting a job and staying unemployed. Past arrests can have a negative impact in the eyes of employers, even if it was a minor indiscretion from your youth or a misunderstanding that turned into a criminal charge.
If you want to expunge past arrests from your record, The Law Office of Jessica Koester, LLC, can help. Attorney Jessica Koester has extensive experience with expungements and sealing of court records. She will meet with you to determine your eligibility and, if you qualify, she will work diligently to clear charges from your criminal record.
To speak to a lawyer about expungement or sealing your criminal record, send an email now or call 618-307-4192.
What Are The Requirements For Expungement?
The requirements for expungement in Illinois are relatively strict. Typically, you can have records expunged, or destroyed, for specific circumstances. These can include the following:
- You were found not guilty or the state dismissed charges against you.
- You were sentenced to supervision for certain misdemeanors and it has been two years since it was completed, and there are no pending charges against you.
- You were convicted or found guilty and received a pardon that authorizes an expungement.
If you have a more serious charge or conviction you may still be able to have court records sealed as an alternative.
As a skilled Edwardsville expungement attorney, Ms. Koester is fully prepared to help you clear your court record. She will prepare all petitions and advocate in court on your behalf. In most cases, it is not necessary for you to appear in court.
The Strong Representation You Deserve
To schedule a free initial consultation, send us a message online by completing our secure online submission form. All phone calls are returned the same day, even outside of regular business hours. The law firm is conveniently located within walking distance of the Edwardsville, Illinois, courthouse. Evening and weekend appointments are available.