

Devoted Exclusively To Criminal Defense – Deeply Experienced In Providing An Aggressive Defense In State And Federal Court

Underage Drinking And Drug Charges

For law enforcement officers looking to issue tickets and increase revenues, going after minors for drinking on a Friday or Saturday night can be like shooting fish in a barrel. Although underage drinking citations are common, they can have an impact on a young person’s future if the matter is not resolved properly.

At The Law Office of Jessica Koester, LLC, we provide experienced underage drinking and drug crime defense representation in Edwardsville, Illinois, and the surrounding communities. Attorney Jessica Koester is a skilled negotiator and litigator who will work diligently to protect your child’s good name and future opportunities.

Don’t let a youthful indiscretion haunt your child into adulthood. Call 618-307-4192 for a free consultation with an attorney.

An Experienced Defense Lawyer For Underage Drinking Charges

An increasingly popular option for avoiding complications from underage drinking citations is to enter a diversion program. Madison County and St. Clair County both have diversion programs that allow offenders to attend alcohol education classes in exchange for eliminating the underage drinking charges. This is a great opportunity to create a learning experience for your child rather than creating a black mark on his or her record.

Law firm founder Jessica Koester is a knowledgeable underage drinking defense lawyer in Edwardsville. She will make every effort to make sure your child’s case is handled properly through diversion. She believes in negotiating with the prosecution to focus on rehabilitation instead of more punitive actions.

Protecting Minors From The Negative Consequences Of Drug Charges

Many intelligent, well-intentioned young people find themselves facing drug charges, particularly with regard to marijuana offenses. If your child’s future is being threatened by a drug charge of any kind, do not hesitate to seek advice and guidance from an experienced juvenile defense attorney.

Contact The Law Office Of Jessica Koester, LLC

To schedule a free initial consultation, call 618-307-4192. Or, if you prefer, contact us via email. All phone calls are returned the same day, even outside of regular business hours. Our firm’s office is conveniently located within walking distance of the Edwardsville, Illinois, courthouse. Evening and weekend appointments are available.