

Devoted Exclusively To Criminal Defense – Deeply Experienced In Providing An Aggressive Defense In State And Federal Court

Experienced Defense Against Complex Sex Crimes Charges

Sex crime charges are always serious with a conviction carrying significant and often lifelong consequences. In addition to jail time and heavy fines, those who have been convicted often face a lifelong listing on the sex offender registry. This registry marks you as a known sexual offender whether you continue to live in Illinois or move out of state. If you are facing felony or misdemeanor charges, working with a skilled attorney can be vital to the outcome of your case.

Jessica Koester has defended clients against all types of sex crimes. Sex charges may include rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, internet sex crimes and child pornography. Attorney Jessica Koester will meet with you to explain your rights and the consequences of a conviction. She will work vigorously to defend your rights throughout the process. She provides strong negotiation and litigation to achieve the best outcome possible for your situation.

To speak to a lawyer about sex crime charges, send an email now or call 618-307-4192.

A Sexual Assault Defense Attorney Who Will Fight For You

Jessica Koester is an experienced Edwardsville sex crimes attorney who understands that these situations are rarely black and white. She will diligently and efficiently examine evidence and conduct her own investigation to determine the credibility of the complaining witness and validity of the claim. She is a strong negotiator and skilled trial attorney who will advocate for you at every step of the process.

Strong Representation For Your Sex Crimes Defense Matter

To schedule a free initial consultation, call The Law Office of Jessica Koester, LLC, send an email. All phone calls are returned the same day, even outside of regular business hours. The law firm is conveniently located within walking distance of the Edwardsville, Illinois, courthouse. Evening and weekend appointments are available.