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Illinois fraternity brothers face drug crime charges

On Behalf of | May 14, 2014 | Drug Charges

A year-long investigation has culminated in seven arrests on a university campus, according to law enforcement. A raid of a University of Illinois fraternity house has resulted in drug crime accusations leveled against several fraternity brothers. It is unclear whether these individuals are in police custody or whether the university has moved to expel them at this time.

According to university police, the investigation into this particular fraternity house has been ongoing for nearly a year. Apparently, a year ago, the university police began using informants to purchase illegal narcotics from members of the fraternity and have been doing so ever since. Spokespeople for the university police say their informants have purchased drugs believed to be Ecstasy, magic mushrooms, marijuana, LSD, and empty cartridges of nitrous oxide.

A raid was conducted at the house on the night of May 8, at which time seven members of the frat were arrested by campus police. Charges were filed the following day, ranging from possession to intent to distribute. The fraternity national offices have not commented publicly on the arrests at this time, nor has the University of Illinois made an official statement regarding the arrests.

Drugs are sadly common on university campuses in Illinois and across the United States, but a drug crime conviction is just as difficult to attain in a fraternity as it is on the street. Prosecutors will have to prove not only that all seven individuals owned the alleged drugs that were found, but also that no one’s rights were ignored during the raid. If police did not follow due process, it is possible the case could be thrown out of court altogether.

Source:, “7 U of Ill. fraternity members arrested on drug charges”, , May 11, 2014
