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Illinois man takes plea bargain on sex crime charges

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2014 | Sex Crimes

An Illinois man reportedly placed online advertisements on Craigslist for sex. Women who showed up at his home say that he raped them. Ultimately, he was arrested and charged in connection with one woman’s rape. After being convicted of one sex crime, the man then pleaded guilty to another rape in order to avoid prosecution with respect to numerous other cases.

With regard to the charge for which he was convicted, the woman claimed that, when she arrived at the man’s home, he took her to the basement and raped her. He then videotaped sex with the woman in his bedroom before taking her to the train station. His counsel contended it was consensual. However, a second woman testified that he raped her as well.

In accordance with the plea bargain, the remaining six rape charges were dropped. Further, prosecutors agreed not to charge and try him for new sex crimes based upon evidence already gathered in connection with the current cases. However, should any new evidence be discovered, he can be charged with any criminal activity linked to it.

For the sex crime for which he was convicted, and for the one to which he pleaded guilty, the Illinois man faces up to 120 years in prison. This is the maximum amount of time he would have received for all eight cases had prosecutors secured convictions. Sometimes, the evidence against an individual is so overwhelming that striking a bargain with the prosecution provides a guaranteed outcome instead of taking a chance on things getting worse at trial. Coming to this conclusion may not be easy, but it could represent the best outcome under the circumstances.

Source:, Man convicted of 1 rape pleads guilty to raping second woman he met through Craigslist, No author, March 17, 2014
